Browsing by Author "Alver, Alper"
Now showing items 1-20 of 23
Adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system modeling of 2,4-dichlorophenol adsorption on wood-based activated carbon
Alver, Alper; Baştürk, Emine; Tulun, Şevket; Şimşek, İsmail (John Wiley and Sons Inc., 2020)Phenolic compounds cause significant problems both in drinking water and wastewater due to their toxicity, high oxygen requirements, and low biodegradability. They are listed as primary pollutants by the United States ... -
Adaptive neuro-fuzzy interference system modelling for chlorpyrifos removal with walnut shell biochar
Tulun, Şevket; Akgül, Gökçen; Alver, Alper; Çelebi, Hakan (Elsevier B.V., 2021)Accumulation of chlorpyrifos (CP), a pesticide, causes a significant environmental problem in food, surface/ground waters further to human health. The removal of the CP pollutant in surface/wastewater could be achieved by ... -
Aksaray ili düzenli depolama sahası sızıntı suyu karakterizasyonu ve elektrokimyasal arıtılabilirliği
Alver, Alper (Aksaray Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2012)Sızıntı sularının değişken karakteri, kompleks yapısı ve yüksek kirletici içeriği nedeniyle çevresel ortamları kirletme potansiyeli oldukça yüksektir. Sızıntı suyu miktarı genel olarak çöp içindeki neme ve depolama sahasına ... -
Carbamazepine Adsorption onto Giant Macroporous Silica and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System Modeling
Alver, Alper; Yılmaz, Bahar Akyüz; Bilican, Behlül Koç; Baştürk, Emine; Kaya, Murat; Işık, Mustafa (Springer Nature, 2024)There is an imperative need to eliminate pharmaceutical residues from aquatic environments due to their hazardous properties, including toxicity, mutagenicity, and carcinogenicity, particularly when present in water sources. ... -
The catalytic activity of the iron-coated pumice particles used as heterogeneous catalysts in the oxidation of natural organic matter by H2O2
Alver, Alper; Karaarslan, Mihrican; Kılıç, Ahmet (Taylor & Francis, 2016)The oxidative removal of natural organic matter (NOM) from waters was investigated by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and iron-coated pumice particles in heterogeneous catalytic oxidation process (HCOP). Removal of trihalomethane ... -
Catalytic ozonation by iron coated pumice for the degradation of natural organic matters
Alver, Alper; Kılıç, Ahmet (MDPI, 2018)The use of iron-coated pumice (ICP) in heterogeneous catalytic ozonation significantly enhanced the removal efficiency of natural organic matters (NOMs) in water, due to the synergistic effect of hybrid processes when ... -
Characterization and electrocoagulative treatment of landfill leachates: A statistical approach
Alver, Alper; Altaş, Levent (Institution of Chemical Engineers, 2017)The purpose of this research was to comprehensively evaluate the characterization and the optimization of electrocoagulation for sanitary landfill leachate treatment in Aksaray/Turkey. This is the first study conducted ... -
Determining the contribution of the wastewater treatment plant to the sustainable environment with water footprint indicators
Kalya, Esra; Alver, Alper (Springer, 2023)Millions of cubic meters of water are polluted every day as a result of industrialization and other human activities. The contribution of the Wastewater Treatment Plant, which was built to prevent this pollution, to the ... -
Development of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system model for predict trihalomethane formation potential in distribution network simulation test
Alver, Alper; Baştürk, Emine; Kılıç, Ahmet (American Institute of Physics, 2021)Trihalomethanes (THMs), which is one of the major classes of DBP known to be highly cytotoxic and genotoxic, were formed and modeled under controlled conditions by laboratory-scale distribution network simulation test. The ... -
Disinfection by-products formation potential along the Melendiz River, Turkey; associated water quality P parameters and non-linear prediction model
Alver, Alper; Baştürk, Emine; Kılıç, Ahmet (Springer, 2018)Organic matters in raw water have a potential to generate harmful disinfection byproducts such as trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acid (HAA) during the chlorination process. The aim of this study was to investigate ... -
Efficient purification of aqueous solutions contaminated with sulfadiazine by coupling electro-Fenton/ultrasound process: optimization, DFT calculation, and innovative study of human health risk assessment
Nasab, Ehsan Abbasi; Nasseh, Negin; Damavandi, Sobhan; Amarzadeh, Mohamadamin; Ghahrchi, Mina; Hoseinkhani, Atefeh; Alver, Alper; khan, Nadeem A.; Farhadi, Asadollah; Danaee, Iman (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2023)In the current work, the hybrid process potential of ultrasound (US) and electro-Fenton (EF), named sono-electro-Fenton (SEF), was fully investigated for sulfadiazine (SDZ) degradation. The decontamination in the integration ... -
Evaluation of conventional drinking water treatment plant efficiency according to water quality index and health risk assessment
Alver, Alper (Springer, 2019)The objective of this research is to investigate the effluent water quality of a treatment plant in Turkey fed from surface and groundwater, according to water quality index (WOI) and health risk assessment (HRA). In order ... -
Gümüş nanopartiküller eşliğinde katalitik ozonlama prosesleri ile sucul ortamdan doğal organik maddelerin giderimi: Ozonlama ürünlerinin belirlenmesi
Alver, Alper; Altınışık Tağaç, Aylin (Gazi Üniversitesi, 2020)Bu çalışmada, yüzeysel sulardaki doğal organik maddeleri temsilen sentetik olarak hazırlanmış hümik asit (HA) çözeltilerinin gümüş bazlı nanopartiküllerle zenginleştirilmiş montmorillonit (AgNP@MMT] katalizörlüğünde ozonlama ... -
İçme suyu kaynaklarının arıtımında membran teknolojilerinin etkinliğinin istatistiksel yöntemler ile belirlenmesi
Uçak, Zeynep (Aksaray Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2023)Su, tüm canlıların yaşamlarını sürdürebilmeleri için hayati bir öneme sahiptir. Artan nüfus, iklimdeki değişiklikler ile hızla gelişen endüstri, su kaynaklarının miktarını ve kalitesini etkilemektedir. Bu durum su arıtımı ... -
Katalitik ozonlama işlemi ile sulardan dezenfeksiyon yan ürünleri öncüleri gideriminin araştırılması
Alver, Alper (Aksaray Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2017)Demir kaplı pomzanın (DKP) heterojen katalitik ozonlamada kullanılması, tekil ozonlama ve adsorpsiyonla karşılaştırıldığında hibrit proseslerin sinerjik etkisinden dolayı sucul çözeltideki dezenfeksiyon yan ürünlerinin ... -
Modeling azo dye removal by sono-fenton processes using response surface methodology and artificial neural network approaches
Baştürk, Emine; Alver, Alper (Elsevier, 2019)Textile industry wastewaters, which cause serious problems in the environment and human health, include synthetic dyes, complex organic pollutants, surfactants, and other toxic chemicals and therefore must be removed by ... -
Optimization of landfill leachate oxidation at extreme conditions and determination of micropollutants removal
Argun, Mehmet Emin; Alver, Alper; Karataş, Mustafa (Desalination Publications, 2017)The advanced oxidation of macro- and micro-organic pollutants from the landfill leachate using the Fenton reaction was investigated. Central composite design with response surface methodology was applied to evaluate the ... -
Prediction of full-scale filtration plant performance using artificial neural networks based on principal component analysis
Alver, Alper; Kazan, Zeynep (Elsevier, 2020)To obtain standard water quality is one of the most crucial issues must be discussed. To get higher water quality, the separation and purification processes must be applied. In this study, 44 water quality parameters were ... -
Removal of aspartame by catalytic ozonation with nano-TiO2 coated pumice
Alver, Alper; Baştürk, Emine (Elsevier Ltd., 2019)Aspartame is widely used as an artificial sweetener and has been ubiquitously detected in various water sources, it is unstable and can produce some harmful degradation products under certain storage conditions. In this ... -
Removal of exhaust gas with advanced solar photocatalytic asphalt applications
Bolakar Tosun, Hümeyra; Alver, Alper; Baştürk, Emine (Springer Verlag, 2022)Air pollution in developing and developed countries, especially in urban and industrial areas, is one of the biggest problems of the world. Air pollution can lead to various adverse outcomes such as condensation of the ...