Browsing by Author "Alkan, Mahmut"
Now showing items 1-5 of 5
An assessment of thorium and spent LWR-fuel utilization potential in CANDU reactors
A neutronic analysis has been performed to assess a prospective utilization of light water reactor (LWR) spent fuel in Canada deuterium uranium (CANDU) reactors mixed with thoria (ThO2). The study is conducted for mixture ... -
Investigation of tritium and 233U breeding in a fission-fusion hybrid reactor fuelling with ThO2
Yıldız, Kadir; Şahin, Necmettin; Şahin, Hacı Mehmet; Alkan, Mahmut; Durukan, Okhan (ICENES, 2007)In the world, thorium reserves are three times more than natural Uranium reserves. It is planned in the near future that nuclear reactors will use thorium as a fuel. Thorium is not a fissile isotope because it doesn't ... -
Neutronic performance of CANDU reactor fuelling with ThC2/(UC2)-U-233
Yıldız, Kadir; Şahin, Necmettin; Alkan, Mahmut (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011)U-233 isotope is used as a booster fissile fuel material in the form of mixed ThC2/(UC2)-U-233 fuel in a Canada Deuterium Uranium (CANDU) fuel bundle in order to assure the initial criticality at startup. Three different ... -
Thermal analysis of chip on board packaging of high power led's with heat pipe using cfd for street lights
Çiçek, Burcu; Şahin, Necmettin; Alkan, Mahmut (Gazi Üniversitesi, 2018)In this study, in order to provide heat dissipation of the high power LEDs to be used for street illumination, U-shaped cylindrical copper heat pipes are used. Thermal analysis of this system was carried out numerically ... -
ThSi2 yakıtlı flibe soğutuculu bir füzyon-fisyon hibrid reaktöründe farklı trityum üretim malzemelerinin kullanılmasının fisil ve fusil yakıt üretimine etkileri
Acır, Adem; Yıldız, Kadir; Alkan, Mahmut; Şahin, Necmettin (2007)Bu çalışmada, ThSi2 yakıtlı flibe (Li2BeF4) soğutuculu bir füzyon-fisyon hibrid reaktörde trityum üretim bölgesinde Li2TiO3, Li2ZrO3, Li4SiO4 ve Li2O gibi dört farklı Li bileşikleri kullanılmıştır. Füzyon nötron kaynağı ...