Browsing by Author "Öztürk, Caner"
Now showing items 1-16 of 16
Cholesterol-loaded cyclodextrin plus trehalose improves quality of frozen-thawed ram sperm
İnanç, Muhammed Enes; Güngör, Şükrü; Öztürk, Caner; Korkmaz, Fırat; Baştan, İlktan; Çil, Beste (Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2019)The objective of this study was to determine effects of supplementing 'Eris-based semen extenders with either cholesterol-loaded cyclodextrin (CLC) or 7-dehydrocholesterol loaded cyclodextrin (7-DCLC) plus trehalose (T) ... -
Combination of cysteamine and lipoic acid ımproves the post-thawed bull sperm parameters
Güngör, Şükrü; Aksoy, Adil; Yeni, Deniz; Avdatek, Fatih; Öztürk, Caner; Ataman, Mehmet Bozkurt; Coyan, Kenan; Bucak, Mustafa Numan (2016)The present study was conducted to examine the protective roles of cysteamine, trehalose, alpha-lipoic acid and combinations of these antioxidants on post-thawed bull sperm and oxidative stress parameters. Five healthy ... -
A comparative study of seminal plasma and blood serum macro and trace elements in the the breeding (October) and the non-breeding (April) seasons in Merino ram
Bülbül, Bülent; Akalın, Pınar Peker; Başpınar, Nuri; Bucak, Mustafa Numan; Kırbaş, Mesut; Öztürk, Caner; Güngör, Şükrü; Akbulut, Kübra (Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society, 2019)In this study, it was aimed to investigate the concentrations of macro and trace elements in seminal plasma and blood serum in the breeding (October) and the non-breeding (April) seasons in Merino Ram. Nineteen Merino Rams, ... -
DNA damaging effect of paclitaxel in the epididymal sperms as a chemotherapeutic agent and possible remedies to prevent this effect: A study on reproductive potential of male cancer patients of reproductive age
İli, Pınar; Sarı, Fikret; Bucak, Mustafa Numan; Öztürk, Caner; Güngör, Şükrü; Ataman, Mehmet Bozkurt (Elsevier Ltd., 2019)Cancer is a major public health problem, young cancer patients therefore undergo chemotherapy, andmost of them may lose their fertility. DNA damage level provides important clues about the quality andreproductive potential ... -
Effect of additives on the post-thaw quality of Aksaray Malaklı dog semen
Öztürk, Caner; Güngör, Ş. (South African Journal of Animal Sciences, 2022)The goal of this study was to determine effects of trehalose (T) and Trolox (TX) additives on post-thaw viability of canine sperm after freezing. The sperm-rich portions of ejaculates obtained from 15 dogs were divided ... -
The effect of different additives on semen freezing of Aksaray Malaklı shepherd dog
Öztürk, Caner; Güngör, Şükrü; Demir, Halit Furkan (Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, 2019)The aim of this study was to investigate the spermatological parameters of Aksaray Malakli shepherd dog after freezethawing semen with various additives. Study groups were set up as Tris-based extender (TBE)+trehalose ... -
Effect of different sonication protocols on merino ram sperm parameters
Öztürk, Caner; Onay, Mücahid; Aksoy, Neşe Hayat (University of Punjab (new Campus), 2021)The biochemical analysis and the determination of the intracellular-extracellular contents of the sperm cells are important in the spermatological studies. Since homogenization processes reveal the intracellular contents ... -
The effect of l-glutamine and trehalose on dog sperm cryopreservation
Öztürk, Caner; Aksoy, Neşe Hayat (University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2021)This study aimed to test different doses of L-glutamine and trehalose in the canine semen diluent while determining their protective effects on spermatological and biochemical indices of the thawed samples. Semen samples ... -
Effect of paclitaxel and resveratrol on New Zealand rabbit semen
Öztürk, Caner; Ataman, Mehmet Bozkurt (Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications, 2018)Objective: To examine the effects of paclitaxel and resveratrol on rabbit semen. Methods: This study consisted of four groups: control group (40 mL saline), paclitaxel group (5 mg/kg paclitaxel), resveratrol group (4 mg/kg ... -
Effects of arginine and trehalose on post-thawed bovine sperm quality
Öztürk, Caner; Güngör, Şükrü; Ataman, Mehmet Bozkurt; Bucak, Mustafa Numan; Başpınar, Nuri; İli, Pınar; İnanc, Muhammed Enes (Akademiai Kiado Rt., 2017)The present study was conducted to examine the protective role of arginine and trehalose on post-thaw bull sperm and oxidative stress parameters. Five ejaculates for each bull were used in the study. Each ejaculate, split ... -
Effects of carnosic and gallic acid on ram sperm parameters and seminal plasma homocysteine-nesfatin levels after thawing
Öztürk, Caner; Güngör, Şükrü; İnanç, Muhammed Enes; Aksoy, Neşe Hayat (Dicle Üniversitesi, 2020)In the presented study, the protective role of carnosic and gallic acid on post-thaw ram sperm acrosome and membrane integrity was examined, homocysteine (Hcy) and nesfatin levels were determined. In study semen samples ... -
Foliküler Kistli Holstein Irkı Düvelerde Ovsynch Protokolünün Gebelik Oranları Üzerine Etkisi
Dursun, Şükrü; Köse, Mehmet; Kızıl, Seda Hamdi; Bulut, Gaye; Öztürk, Caner; Atlı, Mehmet; Karaşahin, Tahir (Erciyes Üniversitesi, 2023)Bu çalışmada, foliküler kistli Holstein ırkı düvelerde Ovsynch programının tedavideki etkinliğini belirlemek amaçlan- dı. Özel bir süt sığırı işletmesinde, iki veya üç tohumlamadan sonra gebe kalmayan, sık düzensiz, uzun ... -
Investigation of ram sperm acrosome integrity in relation with seminal plasma homocysteine and nesfatin-1 levels
Öztürk, Caner; Güngör, Şükrü; İnanç, Muhammed Enes; Aksoy, Neşe Hayat (Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi, 2021)This study aimed to investigate the relationship between homocysteine, nesfatin-1 levels with acrosome integrity. Ejaculates were collected from six adult rams via artificial vagina, divided into five groups and diluted ... -
Positive effects of trehalose and cysteine on ram sperm parameters
Güngör, Şükrü; Öztürk, Caner; Ömür, Ali Doğan (Czech Academy of Agricultural Sciences, 2017)The aim of this study was to determine the effects of trehalose and cysteine on sperm motility, viability, mitochondrial activity and acrosome integrity during liquid storage of Merino ram semen. Ejaculates were collected ... -
Relationship between total antioxidant/oxidant status, and oxidative stress index and superovulation response in donor cows
Karaşahin, Tahir; Alkan, Hasan; Satılmış, Fatma; Dursun, Şükrü; Öztürk, Caner; Bulut, Gaye; Aksoy, Neşe Hayat; Tekindal, Mustafa Agah; Çağlayan, Tamer; Yeşilkaya, Ömer Faruk; Erdem, Hüseyin (Elsevier, 2021)The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of serum total antioxidant status (TAS), total oxidant status (TOS), and oxidative stress index (OSI) on counts of corpus luteum, transferable embryo, and embryo ... -
A study on the definition of some biochemical parameters and oxidative status according to milk yield in cows
Aksoy, Neşe Hayat; Öztürk, Caner; Karaşahin, Tahir; Dursun, Şükrü (TURJAF, 2021)Our study, which investigates the factors affecting milk yield at metabolic and oxidative stress levels in Holstein breed cows raised in Aksaray Region, is the first at the regional level. It was aimed to perform biochemical ...