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Now showing items 21-40 of 9855
Roles of hydrogeochemical evaluations in estimating protection zones of Koçpınar springs in Aksaray, central Anatolia, Turkey
(2001)The present study indicates estimation of protection zones of Koçpınar springs in Aksaray area by means of hydrogeochemical methods. Relevant hydrogeochemical studies were carried out to achieve this objective. Koçp1nar ... -
Upper Maastrichtian-Paleocene biostratigraphy and paleaoecology in northwest Tuzgölü Basin (Karahoca-Mangaldag-Yeşilyurt-Sarihalit area) [Tuzgölü Havzası kuzeybatısı (Karahoca-Mangaldağ-Yeşilyurt-Sarıhalit bölgesi) Üst Maastrihtiyen-Paleosen biyostratigrafisi ve paleoekolojisi]
(2001)In this study, the Micula mura (NC-23) (upper most Maastrichtian), Markalius inversus (NP-1), Cruciplacolithus tenuis (NP-2), Chiasmolithus danicus (NP-3) (Danian), Ellipsolithus macellus (NP-4), Fasciculithus tympaniformis ... -
Gökçeada-Bozcaada-Çanakkale (KD Ege Denizi) üçgenindeki dip sedimanlarında güncel diatomeler
(2001)In this study, 100 bottom samples collected from Gökçeada-Bozcaada-Çanakkale triangle in the northeast Aegean Sea were investigated. This investigation reveals that diatoms identified in the bottom samples exist only at ... -
Neutronic performance of proliferation hardened thorium fusion breeders
(Elsevier Science Sa, 2001)Production of denaturated fissile fuel in a thorium fusion breeder has been investigated by mixing the fertile fuel with natural-UO2 and LWR (light water reactors) spent nuclear fuel. Four different coolants (pressurized ... -
Distribution of the recent planktic foraminifera of bottom sediments at the northeastern Aegean Sea in the Gökçeada-Bozcaada-Çanakkale triangle [Kuzeydoǧu Ege Denizi Gökçeada-Bozcaada-Çanakkale üçgenindeki dip sedimanlarinda Güncel planktik foraminifer daǧιlιmι]
(2002)Mediterranean type 8 species of 4 planktic foraminiferal genera were described in 70 of 100 bottom samples collected from the Gökçeada-Bozcaada-Çanakkale triangle. These species, which show an increase in their abundance ... -
Tectonic setting and petrogenesis of the Çelebi granitoid, (Kırıkkale-Turkey) and comparison with world skarn granitoids
(2002)Many studies have shown systematic correlations between the composition of plutons worldwide and the metal content of associated skarns. This is the first report of similar correlations between the composition of Çelebi ... -
Numerical investigation of subcooled boiling in a vertical pipe using a bubble-induced turbulence model
(2002)A bubble-induced turbulence model is applied to subcooled boiling of water in a vertical pipe. The volume fractions, velocities, temperatures of water and steam and turbulence characteristics of the flow are estimated in ... -
Rekalsitrant azo bileşiklerin anaerobik/Aerobik ardışık sistemlerde giderimi
(TÜBİTAK, 2002)Azo boyaları yapılarında bir veya daha fazla azo (N=N) bağı içeren renklendirici maddelerdir. Azo boyaları tekstil, plastik, kağıt, mineral yağ, gıda ve kozmetik sanayiide renklendirici olarak kullanılırlar. Endüstrilerde ... -
Numerical analysis of hydrogen storage in metal-hydride beds
(2002)In this study, hydrogen absorption in a metal-hydride bed is numerically investigated. The mathematical model considers the heat and mass transfer and the chemical reaction that take place during the absorption. The hydride ... -
Pyrite deformation textures in the deposits of the Küre mining district (Kastamonu-Turkey)
(2002)The Küre volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits lie within the Kastamonu province in the western part of the Pontide tectonic belt of Turkey, and are hosted by ophiolite-related pre-Liassic basaltic sequences, Mineralogical ... -
A three-dimensional mathematical model for absorption in a metal hydride bed
(2002)Heat and mass transfer, fluid flow and chemical reactions in a hydride bed are numerically investigated with a general purpose PHOENICS code. Hydride formation takes place faster near the cooled boundary walls and slower ... -
The probability distribution of the drought parameters of the Central Anatolian closed watershed [Orta Anadolu Kapali Havzasi Kuraklik Parametrelerinin Olasilik Dagilimi]
(2002)In this research, first the various descriptions of drought were presented and then the statistical characteristics of drought parameters based on monthly data of four streams within the Central Anatolian Closed Watershed ... -
Hydrogeochemistry of CO 2 -rich Çorak, Karakaya and Gümüşkent mineral waters in Nevşehir [CO 2 ' ce zengin Çorak, Karakaya ve Gümüşkent (Nevşehir) mineralli sularinin hidrojeokimyasi]
(2002)Çorak, Karakaya and Gümüşkent mineral springs are located in Nevşehir and its vicinity. The springs generally emerge along faults in the study area where the rocks have different hydrogeological properties due to the ... -
Influences of human activities and agriculture on groundwater quality of Kayseri-Incesu-Dokuzpinar springs, central Anatolian part of Turkey
(2003)Human activities and agriculture have had direct and indirect effects on the rates of contamination of groundwater in the Incesu-Dokuzpinar spring area. Direct effects include dissolution and transport of excess quantities ... -
Aydın yöresinde, kanatlı hayvanlarda Bordetella avium ve Ornithobacterium rhinotracheate infeksiyonları' nın ELISA ile teşhisi
(TÜBİTAK, 2003)Kanatlı hayvanlarda Solunum Sistemi Hastalıkları (SSH), modern işletmelerin en sık karşılaştıkları infeksiyonlardandırlar. Diğer infeksiyonlarda olduğu gibi S SH'!arında da infeksiyona neden olan faktörlerin belirlenmesi, ... -
The effects of the pressing and the scalding treatments on some quality properties in Maraş cheese production
(2003)The study was designed to elicit some basic information on the effect of different pressing and scalding treatments applied to the curd with special reference to the standardization of Maraş cheese. For each experiment six ... -
The use of hydrochemical techniques to estimate the discharge of Ovacık submarine springs on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey
(2003)Shallow submarine springs along the Mediterranean coast of Turkey discharge most available groundwater via highly developed karstic (buried channels) systems towards the Mediterranean Sea before interception for domestic ... -
Fissile fuel breeding with peaceful nuclear explosives
(2003)Neutron physics analysis of a dual purpose modified PACER concept has been conducted. A protective liquid droplet jet zone of 2 m thickness is considered as coolant, energy carrier, and fusile and fissile breeder. Flibe ... -
Thermal non-linear stresses in an adhesively bonded and laser-spot welded single-lap joint during laser-metal interaction
(2003)In this study the transient thermal analysis of an adhesively bonded and laser-spot welded joint was carried out based on a thermal model developed for the laser-spot welding of multi-layered sheets using a pulsed Nd:YAG ... -
Paleoenvironmental interpretation and findings of Pliocene-Pleistocene nannoplankton, planktic foraminifera, trace fossil in the Mut Basin [Mut Havzasi Pliyosen-Pleyistosen nannoplankton, planktik foraminifera, iz fosil bulgulari ve paleoortam yorumu]
(2003)In this study, carried out in the Mut Basin, Reticulofenestra pseudoumbilica (Zanklian), Dictyococcites productus (Gelasian), Pseudoemiliana lacunosa (zones), Calcidiscus macintyrei, Helicosphaera sellii and Small Gephyrocapsa ...