Now showing items 1-10 of 15
Yamula barajındaki düşey deformasyonların jeodezik yöntemlerle izlenmesi
(Harite ve Kadastro Mühendisleri Odası, 2006)
Kayseri iline 35 km uzaklıkta Kızılırmak nehri üzerinde inşa edilmiş olan Yamula barajının zamansal davranışı yapımından itibaren 1,5 yıl sürecinde gerçekleştirilmiş dört periyotjeodezik ölçü ile izlenmiştir. Su seviyesinin ...
Minor actinide burning in a CANDU thorium reactor
(HANSER eLibrary, 2006)
Nuclear power plants are producing nuclear waste materials in substantial quantities, which represent a hazard potential for future generations.
Slow-wave CPW resonator with defected ground structure (DGS) for filter applications
Novel slow-wave CPW resonators with defected ground structures (DGSs) in a rectangularly spaced and open-loop shapes are investigated. These structures have an extremely compact size. The simulations and experimental results ...
Pleistocene-Holocene calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy of core samples from The Northeastern Sea of Marmara, Fenerbahçe-Pendik, NW Turkey
Pseudoemiliana lacunosa, Gephyrocapsa oceanica and Emiliania huxleyi (Ionian) (Pleistocene-Holocene) calcareous nannoplankton zones were identified from 82 samples of 14 cores taken from 8 locations in the northeastern Sea ...
Evaluation of two-center one- and two-electron integrals over slater type orbitals
A formulation previously presented by the authors for coulomb integrals was generalized to other two-center integrals, except exchange integral. Within this frame, molecular integrals were expressed in terms of some new ...
Biological treatment of acid dyeing wastewater using a sequential anaerobic/aerobic reactor system
The treatment of the wastewater taken from a wool dyeing processing in a wool manufacturing plant was investigated using an anaerobic/aerobic sequential system. The process units consisted of an anaerobic UASB reactor and ...
İnsan faktörünün broylerlerin korku ve stres reaksiyonları ile bazı performans değerleri üzerine etkileri
(TÜBİTAK, 2006)
Amaç, broylerlerdeki korku ve stres reaksiyonları ile bazı performans parametreleri üzerine insan faktörünün etkilerinin araştırılmasıdır. Çalışma süresince hayvanlara 5'er dakikalık günde iki kez (Grup-I) ve üç kez (Grup-II) ...
Investigation of CANDU reactors as a thorium burner
Large quantities of plutonium have been accumulated in the nuclear waste of civilian LWRs and CANDU reactors. Reactor grade plutonium can be used as a booster fissile fuel material in the form of mixed ThO2/PuO 2 fuel in ...
Increased fuel burn up in a CANDU thorium reactor using weapon grade plutonium
Weapon grade plutonium is used as a booster fissile fuel material in the form of mixed ThO2/PuO2 fuel in a Canada Deuterium Uranium (CANDU) fuel bundle in order to assure the initial criticality at startup. Two different ...
Experimental and numerical investigation of effect of particle size on particle distribution in particulate metal matrix composites
The effect of particle size on particle distribution during the casting of particulate metal matrix composites (PMMC) is experimentally and numerically investigated. Pb20% Sn alloy and Zr2O3 particles are employed as matrix ...