Browsing by Author "Yazlık, Yasin"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Global behavior of two-dimensional difference equations system with two period coefficients
Kara, Merve; Tollu, Durhasan Turgut; Yazlık, Yasin (Tbilisi Center for Mathematical Sciences, 2020)In this paper, we investigate the following system of difference equations x(n+1) = alpha(n)/1 + y(n)x(n-1), y(n+1) = beta(n)/1 + x(n)y(n-1), n is an element of N-0, where the sequences (alpha(n))(n is an element of ... -
On a solvable three-dimensional system of difference equations
Kara, Merve; Yazlık, Yasin (University of Nis, 2020)n this paper, we show that the following three-dimensional system of difference equations (Formula Presented) where the parameters a, b, c, d, e, f and the initial values x−i, y−i, z−i, i ∈ {1, 2, 3}, are real numbers, can ... -
On a three dimensional higher order system of difference equations
Akrour, Youssouf; Kara, Merve; Touafek, Nouressadat; Yazlık, Yasin (Watam Press, 2022)In this work, we derive the solutions form of the following three-dimensional system of nonlinear difference equations of higher-order (Formula presented). where the parameters α, β, a, b, A, B and the initial values x−i, ... -
Solvability of a system of higher order nonlinear difference equations
Kara, Merve; Yazlık, Yasin; Tollu, Durhasan Turgut (Hacettepe University, 2020)In this paper we show that the system of difference equations xn = ayn-k + dyn-kxn-(k+l)/bxn-(k+l) + cyn-l, yn = αxn-k + δxn-kyn-(k+l)/βyn-(k+l) + γxn-l, where n ε ℕ0, k and l are positive integers, the parameters a, b, ... -
Solvability of a system of nonlinear difference equations of higher order
Kara, Merve; Yazlık, Yasin (TUBITAK, 2019)In this paper, we show that the following higher-order system of nonlinear difference equations, xn=xn-kyn-k-l/yn-l(an+bnxn-kyn-k-l, yn=yn-kxn-k-l/xn-l(?n+ßnyn-kxn-k-l), n?0, where k, l,? , (an)n ? 0, (bn)n ? 0, (?n)n ? ... -
Well-defined solutions of a three-dimensional system of difference equations
Kara, Merve; Touafek, Nouressadat; Yazlık, Yasin (Gazi University, 2020)We show that the three-dimensional system of difference equations [ Formula Presented] n ∈ N0, where the parameters a, b, c, α, β, γ and the initial conditions x−i, y−i, z−i, i ∈ {0,1}, are non-zero real numbers, can be ...