Browsing by Author "Yıldız, Ayşegül L."
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Distribution of recent calcareous nannofossils in bottom sediments from Gökçeada-Bozcaada-Dardanelles triangle
Yıldız, Ayşegül L. (King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, 2001) -
Distribution of the recent planktic foraminifera of bottom sediments at the northeastern Aegean Sea in the Gökçeada-Bozcaada-Çanakkale triangle [Kuzeydoǧu Ege Denizi Gökçeada-Bozcaada-Çanakkale üçgenindeki dip sedimanlarinda Güncel planktik foraminifer daǧιlιmι]
Toker, Vedia; Yıldız, Ayşegül L. (2002)Mediterranean type 8 species of 4 planktic foraminiferal genera were described in 70 of 100 bottom samples collected from the Gökçeada-Bozcaada-Çanakkale triangle. These species, which show an increase in their abundance ... -
Upper Maastrichtian-Paleocene biostratigraphy and paleaoecology in northwest Tuzgölü Basin (Karahoca-Mangaldag-Yeşilyurt-Sarihalit area) [Tuzgölü Havzası kuzeybatısı (Karahoca-Mangaldağ-Yeşilyurt-Sarıhalit bölgesi) Üst Maastrihtiyen-Paleosen biyostratigrafisi ve paleoekolojisi]
In this study, the Micula mura (NC-23) (upper most Maastrichtian), Markalius inversus (NP-1), Cruciplacolithus tenuis (NP-2), Chiasmolithus danicus (NP-3) (Danian), Ellipsolithus macellus (NP-4), Fasciculithus tympaniformis ...