Browsing by Author "Şen, Yusuf"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Clinical and radiographic diagnosis of developmental orthopedic disease and bone lesions determined in thoroughbred arabian foals
Şengöz Şirin, Özlem; Şen, Yusuf; Bumin, Ali; Alkan, Zeki; Özgermen, Başak (Dicle Üniversitesi, 2020)The main objective of the present study was to determine the presence and prevalence of developmental orthopedic diseases and bone lesions, which causes huge economical looses in the purchasing of foals, in Thoroughbred ... -
Köpeklerde mide hastalıklarının klinik, radyografik ve ultrasonografik olarak değerlendirilmesi
Boztok Özgermen, Başak; Şen, Yusuf; Ünal, Emre; Bumin, Ali; Sönmez, Gonca (Veteriner Hekimler Derneği, 2016)Bu çalışmada; Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi İç Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı ile Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı Küçük Hayvan Kliniği'nden ve özel kliniklerden Cerrahi Anabilim Dalı Radyodiagnostik Ünitesi'ne sevk edilen ... -
Radiological and ultrasonographical evaluation of lower urinary tract diseases in cats
Ergin, İrem; Şen, Yusuf; Okan Şenel, Oytun; Başak Özgermen, Deva; Bumin, Ali (Ankara Üniversitesi, 2018)The aim of this study was to evaluate lower urinary tract diseases of cats with plain radiography, ultrasonography and contrast cystography retrospectively and assess the most appropriate imaging method for each disease. ... -
Thoracoscopic partial pericardiectomy for the treatment of pericardial effusion in dogs
Şen, Yusuf; Bumin, Ali; Okan Şenel, Oytun; Boztok Özgermen, Başak; Haydardedeoğlu, Ali Evren; Başer, Medine İrem (Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi, 2023)Thoracoscopy is a minimally invasive imaging method used in the imaging of the thoracic cavity. In comparison with thoracotomy, thoracoscopy provides better visualization of even the smallest lesions localized in the ...