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Now showing items 1-20 of 9855
Measurement of SO2 deposition on decomposing leaf litter in a laboratory fumigation system
(1996)Dry deposition of SO2 under laboratory conditions was investigated using environmentally-realistic concentrations of SO2 During a month of continuous fumigation of decomposing leaf litter, dry deposition of SO decreased ... -
Sulphur dioxide effects on fungi growing on leaf litter and agar media
(Blackwell Publishing, 1996)Respiration of four decomposer fungi (Mycena galopus (Pers.) Kummer, Aureobasidium pullulans (de Bary) Arnaud, Phoma exigua Desm. and Cladosporium cladosporioides (Fres.) de Vries) growing on four species of leaf litter ... -
Sulphite and pH effects on CO2 evolution by fungi growing on decomposing coniferous needles
(Blackwell Publishing, 1996)The relative sensitivities of Mycena galopus (Pers.) Kummer, Phoma exigua (Desm.), Cladosporium cladosporioides (Fres.) de Vries and Aureobasidium pullulons (de Bary) Arnaud to low concentrations (12·5-100·0 µM) of sulphite ... -
Experimental determination of pressure losses and critical velocities in transporting sand by water
(1996)There is not a reliable theoretical method of calculation regarding the solid material transport in pipes. Therefore, the systems which transport solid material by fluid have been designed by using experimental results. ... -
Secondary effects of SO2 pollution on leachate chemistry and decay of scots pine and mixed angiospermous leaf litters
(Elsevier Ltd, 1996)The secondary effects of SO2 fumigation on CO4 evolution from leaf litter of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and mixed broad-leaved species [Quercus petraca mattuschka (Liebl.), Fraxinus excelsior L., Betula pubescens ... -
Hydrogeological study and discharge features of the niksar karst springs (Tokat-Turkey)
(King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, 1997)The exposed Paleozoic and Recent units in the study area have various hydrogeological characteristics such as pervious, semipervious, and impervious. Pervious limestones and associated impervious formations that were not ... -
Measurement of acid rain effect on soil microorganisms
(1997)In this investigation, the sensitivity of decomposer microorganism to artificial acid rain (sulphite solution) was investigated. Decomposition of sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) leaf litter and activity of soil microorganisms ... -
Hydrogeochemistry and isotopic study of the travertine deposition of the Tuzlusu (Aksaray) thermal-mineral springs
(1999)Tuzlusu thermal-mineral springs emerge at the intersection of faults, parallel to the Tuzgolu fault zone and oblique to these faults in NW of Aksaray. The marbles of the Bozcaldag metamorphics, cropping out at Cal region ... -
Renewable energy potential as an alternative to fossil fuels in Turkey
(Elsevier Ltd, 1999)Clean, domestic and renewable energy is commonly accepted as the key for future life, not only for Turkey but also for the world. All nations, regardless of their degree of development, are trying to develop and apply ... -
Analytic formulas for calculating the quasistatic parameters of a multilayer cylindrical coplanar strip line
(John Wiley and Sons Limited, 1999)Fast, simple, and accurate analytic expressions are derived for calculating the quasistatic TEM parameters of a multilayer cylindrical coplanar strip line (MC CPS). The effects of the dielectric materials on the quasi-TEM ... -
Biostratigraphic and isotopic data on the Coreklik Member of the Hekimhan Formation (Campanian-Maastrichtian) of SE Turkey and their palaeoenvironmental significance
(Academic Press, 1999)The Coreklik Member of the Hekimhan Formation crops out in the Hekimhan (Malatya) region of SE Turkey. It includes beds that are rich in planktic and benthic foraminifera, and in calcareous nannoplankton. Eighty-eight rock ... -
Hydrochemical and isotopic properties of the Mahmutlu and Bagdatoglu mineralized thermal springs, Kirşehir, Turkey
(Springer New York, 1999)The present study identifies the hydrochemical and isotopic properties of the Mahmutlu and Bagdatoglu mineralized thermal springs in Kirşehir province, a geothermal field in central Anatolia, Turkey. Based on these properties, ... -
Adaptive beam-size control scheme for ground-to-satellite optical communications
(Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, Bellingham, WA, United States, 1999)Atmospheric turbulence severely degrades the performance of ground-to-satellite optical links. Employment of adaptive optics to enhance ground-to-space optical communication systems has recently been considered and possible ... -
Optimum beam size for laser beam propagating through atmospheric turbulence
(1999)A previous study concluded that the optimum beam diameter for a laser beam propagating through atmospheric turbulence is of the order of the coherence scale. It is shown that the optimum size is critically dependent on ... -
Biostratigraphic and palaeoecologic study of the early Maastrichtian-Paleocene sediments in Kalecik region (Ankara-Turkey)
(King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, 1999)In this study, the Gansserina gansseri (early Maastrichtian), Morozovella pseudobuUoides, Morozovella trinidadensis (Danian), Morozovella angulata (DanianThanetian), Planorotalites pseudomenardii, Morozovella velascoensis ... -
Investigation of neutronic potential of a moderated (D-T) fusion driven hybrid reactor fueled with thorium to breed fissile fuel for LWRs
(Elsevier, 2000)The potential of a moderated hybrid reactor fueled with ThC2 or ThF4 is investigated by a PF (plant factor) 75% under a first wall fusion neutron current load of 5 MW/m2. LWR (Light Water Reactor) fuel rods containing ThC2 ... -
Kalecik (Ankara) güneydoğusu alt Maastrichtiyen-Paleosen biyostratigrafisi ve paleoekolojisi
(2000)In this study, the Gansserina gansseri (Lower Maastrichtian), Morozovella pseudobulloides, Morozovella trinidadensis (Danian), Morozovella angulata (Danian-Thanetian), Planorotalites pseudomenardii, Morozovella velascoensis ... -
Determination of the origin of the Helvadere drinking springs by means of hydrochemical and isotopic techniques, Aksaray, Central Anatolia, Turkey
(Springer-Verlag GmbH & Company KG, Berlin, 2000)The main aquifer of the Helvadere springs that emerges on the strike-slip of the Hasandagi fault set alongside the Tuzgolu (salt lake) fault zone, and trends in a NW-SE direction of Aksaray city, in the western part of ... -
Türkiye'nin Astragalus L. (Leguminosae) cinsine ait Alopecias Bunge (=Alopecuroidei DC.) seksiyonunun revizyonu
(TÜBİTAK, 2001)Bu çalışmada ülkemizin Astragalus L. cinsine ait Alopecias Bunge (=Alopecuroidei DC.) seksiyonu türlerinin morfolojik, anatomik, palinolojik ve sitolojik özellikleri ile tür tanıma anahtarı, tur tanımlan ve coğrafik ... -
Distribution of recent calcareous nannofossils in bottom sediments from Gökçeada-Bozcaada-Dardanelles triangle
(King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, 2001)