Browsing Makale Koleksiyonu by Publisher "Ankara Üniversitesi"
Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Clinical significance of pretreatment Ca-P solubility product in 47 cats with chronic kidney disease
(Ankara Üniversitesi, 2019)Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and mineral disorders are one of the most common reasons of cats. Alterations in mineral metabolism occur in early stage of CKD and increasing the severity in advanced stages. In Turkey, although ... -
Comparison of computed tomography and thoracic radiography findings for the assessment of pulmonary diseases in dogs
(Ankara Üniversitesi, 2016)Radiographic examination is a common method for diagnosis of pulmonary diseases but it is not always adequate for accurate diagnosis. Therefore, an advanced imaging method as computed tomography (CT) was used in this study ... -
Kalp hastalığı bulunan 88 köpekte kardiyopulmoner konsültasyon istemlerinin değerlendirilmesi
(Ankara Üniversitesi, 2017)Çalışmada edinsel ya da konjenital kalp hastalıklı 88 köpekten oluşan olgular incelendi. Hastaların; anamnez ve fiziksel muayene bilgileri, toraks röntgenleri, elektrokardiyografik ve ekokardiyografik muayene bulguları ... -
Radiological and ultrasonographical evaluation of lower urinary tract diseases in cats
(Ankara Üniversitesi, 2018)The aim of this study was to evaluate lower urinary tract diseases of cats with plain radiography, ultrasonography and contrast cystography retrospectively and assess the most appropriate imaging method for each disease. ...