Browsing Makale Koleksiyonu by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 223
The accurate identification of the percutaneous tracheostomy insertion site using digital palpation in children
(NLM (Medline), 2023)Percutaneous tracheostomy (PT) may be required frequently in long-term ventilated intensive care patients. Although the overall risks are low, serious complications may occur, especially in children. Hence, this study aimed ... -
Acetabular dysplasia: a comparison of periacetabular osteotomy results of patients older and younger than 35 years
(Verduci Editore s.r.l, 2022)Patient age has been reported to be an important determinant of treatment success in developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). This study aimed to determine the efficacy of periacetabular osteotomy (PAO) in DDH patients ... -
Acupuncture treatment in patients with chronic subjective tinnitus: A prospective, randomized study
(Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., 2020)Objective: This study investigated the effect, onset, duration of action, and short-term outcomes of acupuncture therapy for treating patients with severe chronic subjective tinnitus. Materials and Methods: This randomized ... -
Admissions of Refugee and Turkish Children to Emergency Departments
(Yuzuncu Yil Universitesi Tip Fakultesi, 2024)Due to increasing population of refugees, rapid alterations have been experienced in the racial and ethnic composition of our country. Such alterations have increased health services to those from different races/ethnic ... -
Aksaray ilinde bebek ve çocuklarda inguinal herni tecrübemiz
(Aksaray Üniversitesi, 2021)AKSARAY İLİNDE BEBEK VE ÇOCUKLARDA İNGUİNAL HERNİ TECRÜBEMİZ ÖZET Amaç:Günümüzde inguinal herni onarımı çocuk cerrahisi pratiğinde en sık yapılan operasyonlardan biridir. İnguinal herni kendiliğinden düzelmez ve yüksek ... -
Akut koroner sendrom ile başvuran hastalarda daha önceden düzenli asetilsalisilik asit kullanımının TIMI akımı ve miyokardiyal hasar üzerine etkileri
(Hatay Mustafa Kemal Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dekanlığı, 2022)Kardiyovasküler hastalıklar dünya çapında önde gelen en önemli ölüm nedenidir. Kardiyovasküler hastalıkların sekonder korumasında antiagregan tedaviler önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Bu çalışma ile; akut koroner sendrom ile ... -
Ambliyopide son durum
(Eskişehir Osmangazi Üniversitesi, 2017)Ambliyopi, organik bir göz patolojisi olmamasına rağmen görme keskinliğinde tek veya çift taraflı azalma olmasıdır. Çocuklar ve genç erişkinlerde tek taraflı görme azlığının en sık sebepi ambliyopi olup genel toplumda ... -
Analysis of factors affecting postoperative functional outcome in patients with otosclerosis
(Elsevier Ireland Ltd, 2020)Objective: This study aimed to analyze the factors affecting postoperative hearing results of patients with otosclerosis. Methods: Medical records of 245 patients with clinical otosclerosis who underwent stapes surgery at ... -
(Aksaray Üniversitesi, 2020)İnsanoğlu günlük yaşamında yüzlerce binlerce kimyasal maddeye veya biyolojik etkene, başta diyet yoluyla olmak üzere tıbbi, çevresel, mesleki nedenlerlebilerek veya bilmeyerek akut veya kronik zehirlenmeye neden olabilecek ... -
An approach to orbital complications in rhinosinusitis
(Sürekli Eğitim ve Bilimsel Araştırmalar Derneği, 2019)Objective: Whilst orbital complications arising from acute rhinosinusitis are infrequent in contemporary practice, the spread of infection orbitally or intracranially can result in severe complications and a high mortality. ... -
Assessment of the reliability, quality, and medical content of hypercholesterolemia videos on YouTube as a source of information
(Hayat Sağlık ve Sosyal Hizmetler Vakfı, 2023)YouTube is a favorite video-sharing website that is frequently visited by both patients and healthcare providers for seeking medical information. This study aimed to assess the reliability, quality, and medical content of ... -
The assessment of youtube videos as a source of information for amblyopia treatment
(Slack Incorporated, 2021)To evaluate the efficiency of YouTube videos as a source of information for the treatment of amblyopia. Methods: The authors searched YouTube (Google) using the keywords "amblyopia treatment"and analyzed the first 200 most ... -
The association between obstructive sleep apnea and hearing loss: a cross-sectional analysis
(Springer Verlag, 2019)Purpose: To determine if sleep apnea had significant effects on hearing functions and to investigate the polysomnography parameters that might be associated with hearing impairment in sleep apnea patients. Methods: We ... -
Association between ocular trauma and attention‑deficit/hyperactivity disorder in adult patients
(PMC, 2022)Purpose: To investigate the potential relationship between ocular trauma and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)-related clinical outcomes in adults. Methods: This prospective case-control study included 108 ... -
The association between postoperative corneal edema and phacoemulsification level
(Experimental Biomedical Research, 2022)To evaluate the effect of phacoemulsification level on postoperative central corneal thickness (CCT) differences and to assess the effects of demographic characteristics, biometric values and surgical parameters of patients ... -
The association of nasal foreign bodies with type 1 hypersensitivity in children
(Springer, 2022)urpose: This study aimed at investigating the type 1 hypersensitivity reaction frequency of children with nasal foreign body history. Methods: From the medical records, we collected data regarding demographics (age and ... -
Autologous biological vitamin-C-added (ABC) Filler for facial volume restoration
(Springer, 2021)Purpose: Face rejuvenation procedures with injectable agents continue to gain popularity. Nowadays, a variety of commercial products are available as filler material. Ideal fillers should be inexpensive, easily obtainable, ... -
Autologous conditioned serum increases fat graft viability mmore than platelet-rich plasma in a controlled rat model
(Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2022)Platelet-rich plasma has been used to support fat graft retention, but it may include inflammatory mediators such as interleukin-1β. Autologous conditioned serum also contains high levels of various anti-inflammatory ... -
Beneficial effects of quercetin on vincristine-induced liver injury in rats: Modulating the levels of Nrf2/HO-1, NF-kB/STAT3, and SIRT1/PGC-1α
(Wiley, 2023)Our experimental objective was to investigate the hepatotoxic effect of vincristine (VCR) administration in rats and determined whether combined therapy with Quercetin (Quer) ensured protection. Five groups with seven rats ... -
Beware of the Unexpected: Acute Coronary Thrombosis Following the Mildly Symptomatic COVID-19 Infection and Two Different Therapeutic Options
(Czech Society of Cardiology Z.S, 2023)COVID-19 infection was declared a pandemic in March 2020 and is responsible for high morbidity and mortality around the globe. Although the most common clinical presentation is respiratory, cardiac complications are common ...