Browsing Makale Koleksiyonu by Title
Now showing items 173-192 of 202
A research on the fatigue strength of the single-lap joint joints bonded with nanoparticle-reinforced adhesive
(Springer, 2021)Nano-technological developments, which have made significant progress in recent years, have significant impact on the science of adhesives. Therefore, in our study, the static and fatigue strengths of single-lap joints ... -
Review on ballistic tribology
(2004)In this paper, it was investigated that studies about the dynamic failure of reinforced metal matrix composites and fiber composites under high velocity impact was observed. Some of this works on this topic is experimental, ... -
Sea water effect on failure behaviour of mechanically fastened composites
(Carl Hanser Verlag, 2013)In this study, sea water effect on failure behaviour was investigated for mechanically fastened composites that are oriented as [0/90/45/-60](s). The laminated composite specimens were fastened with two serial fasteners ... -
Self-recovery and fatigue of double-network gels with permanent and reversible bonds
(WILEY, 2019)Double-network (DN) gels subjected to cyclic deformation (stretching up to a fixed strain followed by retraction down to the zero stress) demonstrate a monotonic decrease in strain with time (self-recovery). Observations ... -
Shape memory alloys phenomena: classification of the shape memory alloys production techniques and application fields
(Springer, 2019)The shape memory alloy, referred to as the material of the future, is the first to come to mind in the class of smart materials. Shape memory alloys are already present in many important areas. In the medical field, glasses ... -
Sokak aydınlatmalarında kullanılacak yüksek güçlü led'lerin termal performansının sayısal ve deneysel olarak incelenmesi
(Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, 2020)Bu çalışmada, sokak aydınlatmalarında kullanılan yüksek güçlü LED'lerin soğutulması için ısı borulu soğutucu tasarımı yapılmıştır. Dört adet yüksek güçlü LED, dörtgensel alüminyum plaka üzerine yerleştirilmiş ve U şeklinde ... -
Spor tesislerinin aydınlatmasında yüksek enerji verimli ve LED’li aydınlatma araçları
(Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi, 2021)Spor tesislerinin aydınlatması, aydınlatma uygulamasının özel bir kategorisidir. Oyunun türüne ve seviyesine göre farklı aydınlatma seviyelerine ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Sporcuların ve seyircilerin görsel ihtiyaçlarının ... -
Stacked Heterogeneous Ensemble Learning Model in Mixed Convection Heat Transfer from a Vertically Oscillating Flat Plate
(Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi, 2023)In this study, the effects of mixed convection heat transfer from a moving vertical flat plate with an experimental and stacked heterogeneous ensemble learning approach are analyzed. In the experimental work, the effects ... -
Statik yük altındaki kaymalı yataklarda sürtünme katsayısının teorik ve deneysel olarak belirlenmesi
(Makine Teknolojileri Elektronik Dergisi, 2012)Bu çalışmada, statik yük altındaki bir radyal kaymalı yatakta (Chrysler biyel kolu yatağının) sürtünme katsayısı değişimi, teorik ve deneysel olarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışmanın teorik kısmında; yatak yükünün, yatak boşluğunun ... -
Stress analysis of different metal combinations under different temperatures with hybrid joints
(Aksaray Üniversitesi, 2017)In this study, the stresses on various bonded joints which made from different sheet metals were investigated by using finite element method. The bonded joints planned as double-pin connection joints and adhesive bonded ... -
Stress analysis of hybrid joints of metal and composite plates via 3D-FEM
(2013)Three-dimensional finite element models are developed to investigate the effects of both tensile load and uniform temperature load on the stresses in hybrid joints. During the solution of the problem, finite element method ... -
A study on modeling and performance assessment of a heat pump system for utilizing low temperature geothermal resources in buildings
(2007)Low and moderate geothermal resources are found in most areas of the world. A very efficient way to heat and air-condition homes and buildings is the utilization of ground source heat pumps (GSHPs), also known as geothermal ... -
Sıcak iş takım çeliklerinden dıevar takım çeliğinin tel erozyon ile işlenebilirliğinin araştırılması
(Teknolojik Araştırmalar, 2012)Bu çalışmada tel erozyon tezgâhı kullanarak, sıcak iş takım çeliği üzerinde, farklı makine parametreleri ile delik formu işlemesi yapılmıştır. Kesme işleminde vurum süresi (puls on time), tabla ilerlemesi ve tezgâh ana ... -
Tarihi yığma yapılardaki hasarlı kemerler üzerinde FRP etkisinin incelenmesi
(Gazi Üniversitesi, 2015)Bu çalışmada hasar verilmiş kemerlere uygulanan değişik FRP ile güçlendirme teknikleri deneysel olarak incelenmiştir. Yedi adet kemer numunesi, pres tuğla ve tarihi yapılardaki harca benzer kireç esaslı düşük dayanımlı ... -
Thermal analysis of chip on board packaging of high power led's with heat pipe using cfd for street lights
(Gazi Üniversitesi, 2018)In this study, in order to provide heat dissipation of the high power LEDs to be used for street illumination, U-shaped cylindrical copper heat pipes are used. Thermal analysis of this system was carried out numerically ... -
Thermal non-linear stresses in an adhesively bonded and laser-spot welded single-lap joint during laser-metal interaction
(2003)In this study the transient thermal analysis of an adhesively bonded and laser-spot welded joint was carried out based on a thermal model developed for the laser-spot welding of multi-layered sheets using a pulsed Nd:YAG ... -
Thermal residual stresses in thermoplastic composite disc with holes using 3D-FEM
(Adcotec Ltd., 2014)In this study thermal residual stresses were calculated for a composite disc with many holes using 3D-FEM. Most of previous studies related to thermal stresses and residual stresses of composite disc were performed as two ... -
Thermal stress analysis of adhesively bonded single lap joints using Fem
(, 2008)In this study, a thermal stress analysis was carried out for adhesively bonded single lap joints. The finite element method (FEM) was used to calculate the thermal stress fields based on uniform temperature loadings. The ... -
Thermal stress analysis of Wc-Co/Cr-Ni multilayer coatings on 316L steel substrate during cooling process
(ELSEVIER SCI, 2009)In this study, a thermal stress analysis was performed in WC-Co/Cr-Ni multilayer coatings deposited on 316L steel substrate during the cooling process from 1273 K to room temperature. Firstly, the cooling curve of this ... -
Thermal stresses in adhesively bonded double lap joints by FEM
(Teknolojik Araştırmalar, 2009)Bu çalışmada, yapıştırıcı ile birleştirilmiş çift bindirme bağlantılarındaki ısıl gerilmeler hesaplanmıştır. Uniform sıcaklık uygulanmasından dolayı oluşan, ısıl gerilme dağılımlarının elde edilmesi için sonlu elemanlar ...