Browsing Makale Koleksiyonu by Title
Now showing items 138-157 of 208
M1 ve M2 aydınlatma sınıfı yollar için geliştirilen bir COB LED’li yol aydınlatma armatür modelinin optik tasarımı
(Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi, 2023)Geleneksel yol aydınlatma teknolojileriyle karşılaştırıldığında, ışık yayan diyotlu (LED’li) yol aydınlatma armatürleri; yüksek enerji verimliliği, daha uzun çalışma ömrü ve daha iyi ışık dağılımı gibi potansiyel avantajlara ... -
Mathematical modeling of diameter and circularity deviation in wire electrical discharge machining of a hot work tool steel
(Carl Hanser Verlag, 2013)The suitable selection of manufacturing process and conditions are very important in manufacturing processes to obtain good surface quality and dimensional precision. Thus, it is required to know properties relating to ... -
Mechanical and microstructural characterization of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) hydrogels and its nanocomposites
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 2021)Mechanical behavior dependency of the poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) hydrogel related to the amount of initiator, crosslinker, and nanoparticles was investigated. An experimental approach has been undertaken to observe these ... -
Mechanical properties of polymer-matrix cellulose-based composite materials
(Institute of Metals Technology, 2020)This study focuses on composite cardboard panels, determining their mechanical properties. The panels were manufactured of a minced waste-paper-based composite material. First, four types of mixture were prepared using ... -
MHD mixed convective heat transfer flow about an inclined plate
(SPRINGER, 2009)Mixed convection heat transfer about a semi-infinite inclined plate in the presence of magneto and thermal radiation effects is studied. The fluid is assumed to be incompressible and dense. The nonlinear coupled parabolic ... -
MHD-mixed convection from a vertical slender cylinder
(ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, 2011)The problem of steady laminar magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) mixed convection heat transfer about a vertical slender cylinder is studied numerically A uniform magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the cylinder The resulting ... -
Microchannel modification in membraneless microfluidic fuel cell to control the concentration boundary layer
(Elsevier Ltd, 2024)The concentration boundary layer thickness is one of the most important parameters used to characterize the performance of membraneless microfluidic fuel cells. Low concentration boundary layer thickness leads to a high ... -
Minor actinide burning in a CANDU thorium reactor
(HANSER eLibrary, 2006)Nuclear power plants are producing nuclear waste materials in substantial quantities, which represent a hazard potential for future generations. -
Mixed convection heat transfer from a vertical flat plate subjected to periodic oscillations
(Yildiz Technical University, 2021)In this study, effects on mixed convection heat transfer of oscillation parameters on a vertical flat plate surface subjected to constant heat flux are experimentally and numerically investigated. The experimental setup ... -
A model for the thermodynamic analysis in a batch type fluidized bed dryer
(PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE, 2013)An original model for thermodynamic analysis of a batch type fluidized bed dryer is proposed herein considering two separate systems comprised of drying air medium as a control volume and particles to be dried as a control ... -
Modeling finite deformation behavior of semicrystalline polymers under uniaxial loading-unloading
(Sage Publications, 2010)The aim of this work is to investigate the finite deformation behavior of polymeric materials under monotonic loading-unloading. The strain rate sensitivity behaviors of polymeric materials were modeled using viscoplasticity ... -
Modeling of multi-cycle deformation of polymers with various deformation programs
(2013)The purpose of this paper is to compare mechanical response of polypropylene in multi?cycle tensile tests with strain?controlled and mixed deformation programs and to develop constitutive equations that describe quantitatively ... -
Modelling surface roughness in WEDM process using ANFIS method
(Scibulcom Ltd., 2014)In this study, adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) modelling was used for estimation surface roughness based on experimental study of after processing with wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) in Dievar hot ... -
Multiple regression modeling and prediction of the surface roughness in the WEDM process
(2014)Wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM) process is a specialized thermal machining process capable of accurately cutting and machining mechanical parts with various hardnesses and intricate shapes. WEDM is also a ... -
Nano çinko oksit partikül katılan epoksi kaplamaların mekanik ve antikorozif özelliklerinin incelenmesi
(Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2023)Bu çalışmada, metal yüzeyleri korumak amacıyla kullanılan epoksi kaplamaya katılan ZnO nanopartiküllerin kaplamanın mekanik ve antikorozif özellikleri üzerindeki etkisi araştırılmıştır. Çalışma iki aşamada gerçekleştirilmiştir. ... -
Neutronic performance of CANDU reactor fuelling with ThC2/(UC2)-U-233
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2011)U-233 isotope is used as a booster fissile fuel material in the form of mixed ThC2/(UC2)-U-233 fuel in a Canada Deuterium Uranium (CANDU) fuel bundle in order to assure the initial criticality at startup. Three different ... -
Neutronic performance of proliferation hardened thorium fusion breeders
(Elsevier Science Sa, 2001)Production of denaturated fissile fuel in a thorium fusion breeder has been investigated by mixing the fertile fuel with natural-UO2 and LWR (light water reactors) spent nuclear fuel. Four different coolants (pressurized ... -
Numerical analysis of hydrogen storage in metal-hydride beds
(2002)In this study, hydrogen absorption in a metal-hydride bed is numerically investigated. The mathematical model considers the heat and mass transfer and the chemical reaction that take place during the absorption. The hydride ... -
Numerical analysis of thermal and hydraulic performance of pulsating nanofluid flow over cam-shaped tube bundles
(Institute for Ionics, 2023)In this study, the hydraulic and thermal performance of laminar pulsating nanofluid flow over a cam-shaped tube bundle was investigated. Numerical solutions were carried out with the ANSYS Fluent software. As a working ... -
Numerical and experimental investigation of two-phase flow in an electrochemical cell
(Pergamon-Elsevier Sience Ltd, 2008)in this study, a two-phase mathematical model is adapted to study void fraction distribution, flow field and characteristics of electrolysis process. The model involves transport equations for both liquid and gaseous phases. ...