Browsing Makale Koleksiyonu by Title
Now showing items 83-102 of 208
Fading memory of deformation history in carbon black-filled thermoplastic elastomers
(Elsevier, 2017)Observations are reported on a carbon black reinforced thermoplastic elastomer in multistep uniaxial tensile cyclic tests with a mixed deformation program (oscillations between maximum elongation ratios k(max) and various ... -
Failure analysis of laminated composite plates with two parallel pin-loaded holes
(Sage Publications LTD, 2009)The aim of this study is to research the failure loads and failure modes of laminated woven-glass-polyester composite plates with two parallel circular holes, which are subjected to traction forces by two rigid pins. The ... -
Failure analysis of simple overlap bonding joints and numerical investigation of the adhered tip geometry effect on the joint strength
(Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2021)This study was carried out in two stages. In the first step, a numerical study was performed to verify the previous experimental study. In accordance with the previous experimental study data, single lap joints models were ... -
Failure behavior of two parallel pinned/bolted composite joints
(Cambridge University Press, 2011)In this study, the failure behavior of two parallel pinned/bolted composite joints was investigated, experimentally. The laminated composite plates were produced from glass fibers and epoxy matrix. During the tests, various ... -
Failure response of single bolted composite joints under various preload
(2010)In this study, an experimental failure analysis is performed to calculate bearing strength of single bolted joints in laminated composites reinforced unidirectional glass fibers. The main goal of this study is to determine ... -
Failure response of two serial bolted aluminum sandwich composite plates
(Sage Publications LTD, 2010)The scope of this study is to examine the failure response in an aluminum-glass-epoxy sandwich composite plate with two serial circular holes, which is subjected to a traction force by two serial bolts. To determine the ... -
Failure response of two serial bolted joints in composite laminates
(SOC Theoretical Applied Mechanics, 2011)In this study, the failure response of two serial bolted joints in composite laminates was investigated. The composite material was consisted of epoxy matrix and glass fibers. To find out the effects of joint geometry and ... -
Farklı oranlarda DPDS kullanılarak devulkanize edilmiş atık taşıt lastikleri ilave edilen SBR malzemenin mekanik özelliklerinin incelenmesi
(Pamukkale Üniversitesi, 2015)Oda sıcaklığında öğütülen atık taşıt lastiği tozu mikrodalga yöntemiyle devulkanize edilmiştir. İşlemde devulkanizasyon ajanı olarak, kükürt bağlarının (S-S) koparılmasında etkinliği çeşitli çalışmalarda ortaya konulmuş ... -
The fatigue responses of 3D-printed polylactic acid (PLA) parts with varying raster angles and printing speeds
(John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2024)In this study, the fatigue behavior of FDM-3D printed polylactic acid (PLA) materials was investigated by rotary bending fatigue tests and finite element studies with varying printing speed and raster angle parameters. ... -
Fissile fuel breeding with peaceful nuclear explosives
(2003)Neutron physics analysis of a dual purpose modified PACER concept has been conducted. A protective liquid droplet jet zone of 2 m thickness is considered as coolant, energy carrier, and fusile and fissile breeder. Flibe ... -
Flow and heat transfer analysis of submerged multiple synthetic jet impingement in a square channel with forced-flow
(Elsevier Ltd, 2024)This study experimentally and numerically investigated the flow and heat transfer of submerged multiple synthetic jet impingement in forced crossflow in a square-section channel with a constant heat flux on the bottom ... -
Fracture energy determination and critical crack propagation between core and veneer ceramic interface by experiment and finite element method
(Elsevier Ltd., 2009)Fracture energy of a material has a great importance in determining the resistance of a material to crack propagation. The starting point in fracture mechanics analysis is to consider a crack of a certain size located in ... -
Friction and wear behavior of styrene butadiene rubber-based composites reinforced with microwave-devulcanized ground tire rubber
(John Wiley and Sons Limited, 2015)In this work, the tribological properties of a new material obtained by revulcanization with styrene butadiene rubber (SBR)and devulcanized ground tire rubber (GTR) were investigated. GTR was devulcanized using the microwave ... -
Heat and mass transfer from a horizontal slender cylinder with a magnetic field effect
(Türk Isı Bilimleri ve Tekniği Derneği, 2011)The problem of steady laminar magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) forced convective heat and mass transfer about a horizontal slender cylinder is studied numerically. A uniform magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the cylinder. ... -
Heat removal from oscillating flow in a vertical annular channel
(Springer, 2008)In this study, heat removal from a surface, which is located into the reciprocating flow in a vertical annular liquid column, is investigated experimentally. The experiments are carried out for four different oscillation ... -
Heat transfer enhancement iheat transfer enhancement in a channel with inclined baffles under pulsating flow: a cfd studyn a channel with inclıned baffles under pulsating flow: a cfd study
(Begell House Inc., 2023)This study numerically investigated hydraulic and thermal performance in a channel with inclined baffles under pulsating flow conditions. The baffles were placed in a staggered arrangement. The governing equations were ... -
Heat transfer enhancement in a square channel with a set of triangular prisms: an experimental study
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2024)In this study, heat transfer behavior in a channel adapted with a set of equilateral triangular prisms was investigated experimentally in a turbulent flow regime, with a range of Reynolds numbers corresponding to 1x104<Re<8x104. ... -
Heat transfer enhancement with laminar pulsating nanofluid flow in a wavy channel
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2014)In this study, the heat transfer characteristics of Al2O3-water based nanofluids in a wavy mini-channel under pulsating inlet flow conditions are investigated numerically. The simulations are performed for nanofluid volume ... -
Heat transfer enhancement with nanofluids under laminar pulsating flow in a trapezoidal-corrugated channel
(Inderscience Enterprises Ltd., 2017)In this study, the heat transfer characteristics of CuO-water-based nanofluids in a trapezoidal-corrugated channel under pulsating inlet flow conditions are investigated numerically. The simulations are performed for ... -
Heat transfer from two discrete flush-mounted heaters subjected to laminar pulsating air flow in a channel
(2012)In this article, a numerical study on heat transfer in laminar pulsating air flow in a channel around two discrete flush-mounted heat sources is reported. Simulations are conducted for five different frequencies and three ...