Browsing Makale Koleksiyonu by Title
Now showing items 10-29 of 202
CANDU reactor as minor actinide/thorium burner with uniform power density in the fuel bundle
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science, 2008)A CANDU reactor fueled with a mixed fuel made of thoria (ThO2) and nuclear waste actinides has been investigated. The mixed fuel composition has been varied in radial direction to achieve a uniform power distribution and ... -
CANDU reaktörlerinde ThO2 ve 233UO2 yakıt karışımı kullanımının incelenmesi
(Gazi Üniversitesi, 2007)Bu çalışmada; (Th+233U)O2 yakıt karışımının CANDU reaktörlerinde kullanılabilirliği ve reaktör başarımına etkisi araştırılmıştır. Bunun için yakıt olarak %98 ThO2 + %2 233UO2 yakıt karışımı kullanılmıştır. Nötronik veriler, ... -
Change on tetragonality of L10 phase with homogenization time on Ni50Mn29Sb21 shape memory heusler alloy
(Springer, 2022)In this study, the effects of homogenization heat treatment on microstructural and magnetic properties of the Ni50Mn29Sb21 shape memory Heusler alloy was investigated. Ni–Mn–Sb alloy system may be an important candidate ... -
Characterization of styrene butadiene rubber and microwave devulcanized ground tire rubber composites
(Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2014)Ground tire rubber (GTR) was devulcanized by microwaves at the same heating rate (constant power) and different times of exposure. The devulcanized rubber (DVR) and untreated GTR were characterized physically and thermally. ... -
Comparative assessment of various chlorine family thermochemical cycles for hydrogen production
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science, 2016)This study deals with a comparative assessment of various chlorine family cycles, namely copper chlorine (CuCl), magnesium-chlorine (MgCl), iron-chlorine (Fe-Cl) and vanadium-chlorine (V-Cl) cycles, which are driven by ... -
Comparison of experimental data with results of some drying models for regularly shaped products
(Springer, 2010)This paper presents an experimental and theoretical investigation of drying of moist slab, cylinder and spherical products to study dimensionless moisture content distributions and their comparisons. Experimental study ... -
Cost analysis of wind-electrolyzer-fuel cell system for energy demand in Pınarbasi-Kayseri
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science, 2012)In this study, the hydrogen production potential and costs by using wind/electrolysis system in Pinarbasi-Kayseri were considered. In order to evaluate costs and quantities of produced hydrogen, for three different hub ... -
Cyclic deformations of polypropylene with a strain-controlled program
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2012)Experimental data are reported on isotactic polypropylene in uniaxial tensile cyclic tests with a strain-controlled program (oscillations between fixed minimum and maximum strains). The following characteristic features ... -
Cıvatalı bağlantılarda delik toleransı ve cıvata sıkma torku değişiminin bağlantı dayanımına etkilerinin sayısal olarak incelenmesi
(Gazi Üniversitesi, 2022)Çözülebilir bağlantı şekillerinden olan cıvatalı bağlantıların, sitemlerde verimli ve emniyetli bir şekilde kullanılması için farklı parametrelere göre yük altındaki davranışlarının anlaşılması son derece önemlidir. Bu ... -
Çift ağlı hidrojellerin basma yükü altında gerilme gevşemesi davranışı
(TMMOB Makina Mühendisleri Odası, 2021)Akrilamid (AAM) zayıf mekanik özellikleri dolayı, biyodoku iskeleleri ve yumuşak doku aktüatörleri gibi biyomedikal uygulamalarda istenilen özellikleri sergileyememektedir. Bu nedenle Aljinat (ALG) kullanı-larak çift ağa ... -
Determination of material parameters of a viscoplastic model by genetic algorithm
(Elsevıer Scı Ltd, 2010)Macroscopic (continuum) and microscopic models, used for simulation of material behaviors under different loading conditions, contain a large number of material parameters and determination of these parameters is an important ... -
Determination of the transformation temperatures of aged and low manganese rated Cu-Al-Mn shape memory alloys
(Scibulcom Ltd., 2016)This study reports the investigation of transformation temperatures of aged Cu- Al-Mn shape memory alloys with low-rated Mn (< 5 wt.% Mn). A total of 21 different Cu-Al-Mn based chemical compositions were fabricated using ... -
Development of sustainable energy options for buildings in a sustainable society
(Elsevıer Scıence Bv, 2011)In this study, a building with a volume of 392 m(3) and a net floor area of 140 m(2) is considered as a case study with the indoor and exterior air temperatures of 20 degrees C and -15 degrees C, respectively. For heating ... -
Dönen ve sıcaklık etkisindeki termoplastik matrisli kompozit diskteki ısıl gerilmeler
(Gazi Üniversitesi, 2013)Bu çalışmada, termoplastik kompozit bir disk modeli oluşturulmuştur. Kompozit malzeme, termoplastik matrise sahiptir ve bu termoplastik matris çelik fiberler kullanılarak takviye edilmiştir. Kompozit disk probleminin çözümü, ... -
Drying kinetics and sorption isotherms of cornelian cherry fruits
(Desalination Publications, 2010)In this study, drying kinetics and sorption isotherms of cornelian cherry fruit are investigated under various drying air conditions. Experiments are conducted in a lab-scale convective drier under the following drying ... -
Drying performance analysis of a batch type fluidized bed drying process for corn and unshelled pistachio nut regarding to energetic and exergetic efficiencies
(Elsevier, 2015)A batch type fluidized bed dryer is designed and constructed in order to investigate drying performance of a batch type fluidized bed drying process of corn and unshelled pistachio nut regarding to energetic and exergetic ... -
Dryıng kınetıcs and moısture transfer parameters of hazelnut
(Wıley-Blackwell, 2011)In this experimental study, drying kinetics, sorption isotherms and mass transfer parameters (mainly the diffusion coefficient and hm) of hazelnut are investigated under various drying air conditions. Experiments were ... -
Dual transformation between S(O)over-cap(3) and S(O)over-cap (2,1) and its geometric applications
(Natl Acad Sciences India, 2018)This paper defines a dual transformation between dual-special orthogonal matrices S ((O) over cap (3) and dual-special semi-orthogonal matrices S ((O) over cap2, 1). This transformation makes clear the relations how ... -
Düşey düz bir levhanın periyodik salınımlarının ısı transferine etkisi
(Gazi Üniversitesi, 2020)Bu çalışmada, düşey düz bir levhanın periyodik salınımlarının ısı transferi üzerindeki etkisi deneysel ve sayısal olarak incelenmiştir. Deney sistemi, içinde deneysel modelin hareket ettiği şeffaf bir muhafazayı, modelin ... -
Düşey halkasal bir boruda salınımlı akışta ısı geçişinin deneysel incelenmesi
(Türk Isı Bilimleri ve Tekniği Derneği / Journal of Thermal Science and Technology, 2008)Bu çalışmada, bir ucu atmosfere açık olan düşey halkasal bir boruda salınımlı akışta ısı geçişi, deneysel olarak incelenmektedir. Halkasal kesit içinde akışkan bir piston-silindir düzeneği ile hareket ettirilmektedir. ...