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Impact of Window Opening Shapes on Wind-Driven Cross Ventilation Performance in a Generic Isolated Building: A Simulation Study
(Gazi Üniversitesi, 2024)Both environmental concerns and sustainable development goals have led to the search for alternative energy-efficient solutions. Natural ventilation, a crucial aspect of energy-efficient building design, reduces dependence ... -
Improvement of the Thermal Performance of PCM-Based Heat Sink Used in Electronic Cooling by Adding Nanoparticles
(Gazi Üniversitesi, 2024)Recently, thanks to the technological advances, electronic devices are getting smaller in size. This causes an increase in the heat generation per unit area. This heat has to be removed from electronic devices for them to ... -
Computationally derived endosteal strain and strain gradients correlate with increased bone formation in an axially loaded murine tibia model
(Elsevier Ltd, 2024)Osteoporosis is a common metabolic bone disorder characterized by low bone mass and microstructural degradation of bone tissue due to a derailed bone remodeling process. A deeper understanding of the mechanobiological ... -
Flow and heat transfer analysis of submerged multiple synthetic jet impingement in a square channel with forced-flow
(Elsevier Ltd, 2024)This study experimentally and numerically investigated the flow and heat transfer of submerged multiple synthetic jet impingement in forced crossflow in a square-section channel with a constant heat flux on the bottom ... -
Design and optimization of hybrid renewable energy systems for hydrogen production at Aksaray University campus
(Institution of Chemical Engineers, 2024)In this study, an off-grid HRES is proposed to ensure the electricity demands of the campus in a reliable, cost-effective, and non-polluting way for Aksaray University to have a sustainable and green campus. Within this ... -
Yapıştırma bağlantılarında hasar kriterlerinin incelenmesi
(Van Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi, 2024)Yapıştırıcıların endüstriyel uygulamalarda kullanımının artmasıyla birlikte, yapıştırma bağlantılarında hasar analiz çalışmaları yapılmaya başlanmıştır. Yapılan çalışmalar, yapıştırma bağlantılı yapıların tasarımında ... -
Numerical investigation on thermal behaviors of Heat Sinks and Hybrid Heat Sinks with different PCMs for electronic cooling
(SAGE Publications Inc., 2024)In this study, a numerical method was used to investigate the melting process of PCM-Heat Sink and PCM-Hybrid Heat sinks for electronic cooling. Firstly, three different PCMs, designated as RT-28HC, RT-31, and RT-54HC, ... -
The fatigue responses of 3D-printed polylactic acid (PLA) parts with varying raster angles and printing speeds
(John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2024)In this study, the fatigue behavior of FDM-3D printed polylactic acid (PLA) materials was investigated by rotary bending fatigue tests and finite element studies with varying printing speed and raster angle parameters. ... -
Energy recovery and hydrogen production potential assessment in a natural gas pressure reduction station
(Elsevier, 2024)An energy recovery and hydrogen production potential assessment study was carried out for a pressure reduction station by integrating a turbo expander-electrolyzer system. The hydrogen and electricity production potentials ... -
Experimental investigation of the heat transfer characteristics of a synthetic annular jet impingement on a flat surface
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2024)Annular impinging jets create a more uniform flow on the impact surface compared to circular impinging jets, allowing the surface to cool better. Additionally, periodic flow oscillations significantly increase heat transfer ... -
Microchannel modification in membraneless microfluidic fuel cell to control the concentration boundary layer
(Elsevier Ltd, 2024)The concentration boundary layer thickness is one of the most important parameters used to characterize the performance of membraneless microfluidic fuel cells. Low concentration boundary layer thickness leads to a high ... -
Atık lastik tozuna uygulanan yüzey işlemleri ve atık lastik tozunun polimer/orijinal kauçuk bileşimlerinde kullanımının incelenmesi
(Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi, 2024)Atık taşıt lastikleri malzemesi ve miktarı bakımından son derece değerli bir atık formudur. Atık lastiklerin geri kazanımında henüz sürdürülebilir ve verimli bir teknoloji geliştirilemediği için bu atığın değerlendirilmesi ... -
Topology optimization and numerical verification in an aircraft engine bracket
(Gümüşhane Üniversitesi, 2024)The importance of saving energy and materials by lightening structures is constantly increasing. With its powerful software capabilities, Topology Optimization produces solutions for this exact purpose. In addition, thanks ... -
Investigation of the aerodynamic effects of bio-inspired modifications on airfoil at low Reynolds number
(Universiti Malaysia Pahang, 2023)A numerical study was performed to investigate flow behaviors around bioinspired modified airfoils compared with NACA 4412 airfoil at Re=5.8x104 by solving the twodimensional, RANS equations with k-omega STT turbulence ... -
Stacked Heterogeneous Ensemble Learning Model in Mixed Convection Heat Transfer from a Vertically Oscillating Flat Plate
(Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi, 2023)In this study, the effects of mixed convection heat transfer from a moving vertical flat plate with an experimental and stacked heterogeneous ensemble learning approach are analyzed. In the experimental work, the effects ... -
Nano çinko oksit partikül katılan epoksi kaplamaların mekanik ve antikorozif özelliklerinin incelenmesi
(Uludağ Üniversitesi, 2023)Bu çalışmada, metal yüzeyleri korumak amacıyla kullanılan epoksi kaplamaya katılan ZnO nanopartiküllerin kaplamanın mekanik ve antikorozif özellikleri üzerindeki etkisi araştırılmıştır. Çalışma iki aşamada gerçekleştirilmiştir. ... -
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of an Innovative High Power LEDs Thermal Management System, based on Heat Sink- Heat Pipe Design
(Gazi Üniversitesi, 2023)The efficiency and lifespan of light emitting diodes (LEDs) are adversely affected by the junction temperature. Therefore, it is very important to operate a LED at a low junction temperature. In this study, it is aimed to ... -
Düz bir yüzeye çarpan pulsatif jetin ısı transferi karakteristiğinin deneysel incelenmesi
(Gazi Üniversitesi, 2023)In this research, cooling of the target surface consisting of a flat plate with constant heat flux using a pulsating impinging jet is investigated experimentally. In the investigations, the jet Reynolds number (Rej), Prandtl ... -
Heat transfer enhancement iheat transfer enhancement in a channel with inclined baffles under pulsating flow: a cfd studyn a channel with inclıned baffles under pulsating flow: a cfd study
(Begell House Inc., 2023)This study numerically investigated hydraulic and thermal performance in a channel with inclined baffles under pulsating flow conditions. The baffles were placed in a staggered arrangement. The governing equations were ... -
M1 ve M2 aydınlatma sınıfı yollar için geliştirilen bir COB LED’li yol aydınlatma armatür modelinin optik tasarımı
(Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli Üniversitesi, 2023)Geleneksel yol aydınlatma teknolojileriyle karşılaştırıldığında, ışık yayan diyotlu (LED’li) yol aydınlatma armatürleri; yüksek enerji verimliliği, daha uzun çalışma ömrü ve daha iyi ışık dağılımı gibi potansiyel avantajlara ...