Browsing Makale Koleksiyonu by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 59
Application of soft computing techniques for estimating emotional states expressed in Twitter ® time series data
(Springer London, 2020)Because the emotional states of selected social groups may constitute a complex phenomenon, a suitable methodology is needed to analyze Twitter ® text data that can reflect social emotions. Understanding the nature of ... -
An application to control media player with voice commands
(Gazi Üniversitesi, 2020)Using technology today is of great importance in terms of making people's lives easier. It has become very easy to run some applications with technology. In this study, an application that provides media player control ... -
Assessment of the highway logistics on carbon footprint
(Yıldız Teknik Üniversite, 2022)Developing the quality of the types of greenhouse gasses used within the global environment and reducing carbon emissions are recognized as the main of current logistic changes policies. The paper aims to evaluate the ... -
Beklemesiz akış tipi çizelgeleme problemlerinin analizi ve hibrit dağınık arama yöntemi ile çözümü
(Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2022)Beklemesiz Akış Tipi Çizelgeleme (BATÇ), pratik uygulamalarından dolayı kapsamlı bir araştırma alanıdır. BATÇ problemlerinde işler, makinelerde kesintisiz olarak işlem görmek zorundadır. Bir işin tüm makinelerde işlenme ... -
A benchmark dataset for multi-objective flexible job shop cell scheduling
(Elsevier, 2024)This data article presents a description of a benchmark dataset for the multi-objective flexible job shop scheduling problem in a cellular manufacturing environment. This problem considers intercellular moves, exceptional ... -
Case Study of Intralogistics in the Framework of Logistics 4.0
(Society of Automotive Engineers Turkey, 2023)Industry 4.0 has led to changes that have reduced the labor force and created production environments where machines that bring together information technology and industry communicate with each other. Logistics 4.0, which ... -
Characterization and adhesive performance of Phenol-Formaldehyde resol resin reinforced with carbon nanotubes
(North Carolina State University, 2022)Chemical, physical, thermal properties and bonding quality of phenol-formaldehyde resol resin (PF) synthesized with single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) was evaluated at varying ratios from 1 wt% to 5 wt%. The effect ... -
Çok kriterli karar verme analizi ve coğrafi bilgi sistemi (CBS) kullanılarak su kalitesinin değerlendirilmesi
(Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam Üniversitesi, 2016)Son yüzyılda hızla artan nüfus ve endüstrileşme nedeniyle tatlı su kaynaklarına olan talep artmaya devam etmektedir. Suya olan talep artışı, sınırlı olan temiz su kaynaklarının sürekli izlenme ve kontrol altında ... -
Decay resistance, physical, mechanical, and thermal properties of heated oriental beech wood
(Statny Drevarsky Vyskumny Ustav, 2015)Heat treatment of Oriental beech (Fagus orientalis) wood was carried out by hot air in an oven for 2, 6, and 10 h at 125, 155, and 185°C. After heat treatment; decay resistance, oven dry density, modulus of rupture (MOR), ... -
Deformation forecasting based on multi variable grey prediction models
(Research Information Ltd, 2016)The classic prediction methods take the system behavior as a stochastic process, using probability and statistics, searching the laws of massive historical data. However, since the statistical approaches are efficient with ... -
Determination of importance weights of Istanbul's distrıcts using analytic hıerarchy process
(Gazi University, 2016)Istanbul is an earthquake prone city and has experienced many earthquakes throughout history. Also, Istanbul is threatened by a 65 % probability of a devastating earthquake in the next 30 years. In order to reduce the ... -
Determining process capability ındices for shirting fabric
(Çukurova Üniversitesi, 2016)Şirketler düzenli üretim yapabilmek için ürettikleri ürünlerin spesifikasyon limitleri dahilinde üretilmesini arzu ederler. Proses yeterlilik indeksleri Cp (proses potansiyel indeksi) ve Cpk (proses yeterlilik ... -
An economic analysis of scrap tire pyrolysis, potential and new opportunities
(Elsevier Ltd, 2022)Scrap tire recycling is a concern for local and national governments because of the associated environmental hazards. As motor vehicle use increases around the globe, fueled by booming demand in the emerging market, more ... -
Effects of catalysts on modulus of rupture and chemical structure of heat-treated wood
(Journal Drvna Industrija, 2018)Heat treatment process, which is widely used in the wood industry, has shown some negative effects on the mechanical strength of wood. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of catalysts on the modulus ... -
Ergonomic assessment of airport shuttle driver tasks using an ergonomic analysis toolset
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2018)This study aimed to (a) evaluate strength requirements and lower back stresses during lifting and baggage handling tasks with the 3D Static Strength Prediction Program (3DSSPP) and (b) provide additional analyses using ... -
Estimating electromyography responses using an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system with subtractive clustering
(Wiley, 2017)This study aimed to develop an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) approach to estimate the normalized electromyography (NEMG) responses, where the independent variables are demographic variables including ... -
Estimation of energy expenditure based on divided manual material handling task: waste collection example
(Celal Bayar Üniversitesi, 2017)The objectives of this study were: i) to present an approach for potential areas of ergonomic analysis software usage and to get familiar with the usage of this kind of problem assessment by applying the software to a ... -
Evaluating environmental efficiency of Turkish cities by data envelopment analysis
(Global NEST, 2015)Turkey is a developing country and has achieved impressive economic development in recent years. But this rapid growth has brought in many environmental problems in Turkish cities, such as air pollution, water pollution ... -
Evaluating Istanbul's disaster resilience capacity by data envelopment analysis
(Springer, 2016)Istanbul is one of the most important commercial, cultural, industrial, and educational centers in the world. However, A degrees stanbul is also an earthquake-prone city, and it has experienced many of them throughout ... -
The evaluation of water quality using geographical ınformation systems (GIS) and multi attribute decision making
(Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam Univ, 2016)In the last century, the demand for freshwater resources continues to grow due to the rapidly increasing population and industrialization. This growing demand requires continuous monitoring and evaluation of the limited ...