Semantic modelling for e-learning coordination
This chapter reports a metadata model for e-learning coordination based on content semantics grounded on Semantic Web concepts. To start with, e-learning models are surveyed identifying process content, such as phases, activities, data schema, rules and relations, so on, as relevant for a coordination model. The study looks into the mechanism of e-learning environment and how e-learning processes can be classified for purposes of activity coordination. A metadata model for coordination of e-learning is being sought as expressed in Semantic Web concepts and transcribed using the related languages like OWL, RDF, SPARQL and others. A learner centric proposal is advanced which augments the IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee's industry leader Learning Technology System Architecture. Examples are worked out and future research directions are identified. This is a continuing research project on application of Semantic Web initiative in e-learning; i.e., design and development of markup and annotation tools, relevant ontologies and intelligent agents in meeting learner needs. © 2016 by IGI Global. All rights reserved.