Investigation of tritium and 233U breeding in a fission-fusion hybrid reactor fuelling with ThO2
In the world, thorium reserves are three times more than natural Uranium reserves. It is
planned in the near future that nuclear reactors will use thorium as a fuel. Thorium is not a
fissile isotope because it doesn't make fission with thermal neutrons so it could be converted
233U isotope which has very high quality fission cross-section with thermal neutrons.
isotope can be used in present LWRs as an enrichment fuel. In the fusion reactors, tritium is
the most important fusil fuel. Because tritium is not natural isotope, it has to be produced in
the reactor. The purpose of this work is to investigate the tritium and
233U breeding in a
fission-fusion hybrid reactor fuelling with TI1O2 for At=10 days during a reactor operation
period in five years. The neutronic analysis is performed on an experimental hybrid blanket
geometry. In the center of the hybrid blanket, there is a line neutron source in a cylindrical
cavity, which simulates the fusion plasma chamber where high energy neutrons.(14.1 MeV)
are produced. The conventional fusion reaction delivers the external neutron source for
blankets following,
2D +
3T -* 4He (3.5 MeV) + n (14.1 MeV)
The fuel zone made up of natural-ThO2 fuel and it is cooled with different coolants. In this
work, five different moderator materials, which are Li2BeF4
, LiF-NaF-BeF2
, Li2oSngO
, natural
Lithium and \A\i?b^, are used as coolants. The radial reflector, called tritium breeding zones,
is made of different Lithium compounds and graphite in sandwich structure. In the work,
eight different Lithium compounds were used as tritium breeders in the tritium breeding
zones, which are Lİ3N, Li2O, Li2O2
, Li2Ti03, Lİ4SİO3, Li2ZrO3, LiBr and LiH. Neutron
transport calculations are conducted in spherical geometry with the help of SCALE4.4A
SYSTEM by solving the Boltzmann transport equation with code CSAS and XSDRNPM,
under consideration of unresolved and resolved resonances, in S8-P3 approximation with
Gaussian quadratures using the 238 groups library, derived from ENDF/B-V. For a self
sustained fusion fuel supply, a tritium breeding rate (TBR) > 1.05 is required. At the
beginning of the reactor period (BOL) and at the end of the reactor period (EOL), LinPbs3
moderated blanket has well results compared to other moderators for TBR. According to
Lithium compounds used tritium breeding zone, at the BOL and at the EOL, LiH, L13N, Li2O,
and Lİ4SİO4 have well results. In the fuel zone of the fission-fusion hybrid reactor,
isotopes are produced with
232Th (n,y) 233U
reactions. At the BOL and at the EOL, Lii7Pb83
moderated and Li2Zr03 tritium breeder blanket has well results compared to other moderators
and tritium breeders for U breeding rate (UBR). ...
13th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy SystemsVolume
- Makale Koleksiyonu [208]
- Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu [4184]