Microanalytic evaluation of students’ self-regulated learning in flipped EFL instruction
The aim of this study is to examine the development of self-regulated learning (SRL) of university students in an EFL course via Flipped classroom through a novel measurement roadmap. Microanalytic techniques were used throughout the process rather than students’ perceptions at a given moment. SRL skills scores are reported as well as sample testimonies from students as qualitative data used to explain the analytic measures. The study was conducted with 12 students studying at a public university and lasted for 6 weeks. A new system FCMWEB is designed throughout to monitor online SRL development taking Zimmerman (2008) SRL model as a basis. While the forethought phase was monitored in the online sessions and the performance and self-reflection phase were associated with the face-to-face sessions. Records from FCMWEB as microanalytic, worksheet, observation notes and self-reflection form were used as data collection tools. During the study, the sub skills of forethought phase, self-reflection phase and performance phase are analyzed and validated through students’ perspectives. The developments in the skills of the forethought and self-reflection phases were between sufficient and advanced levels. The performance phase was mostly sufficient, but also included poor and advanced levels. The results provide implications for course designers and instructors who desire to provide a better flipped classroom experience in EFL for university students.