Now showing items 1-10 of 19
Electronic structure and binding energy of spherical quantum dot
(Aksaray Üniversitesi, 2017)
In this study, we have calculated the energy states and the wavefunctions of the spherical
quantum dot with finite and infinite confining potential. In addition, we have investigated the
binding energies of the ground ...
Dipole and quadrupole polarizabilities and oscillator strengths of spherical quantum dot
(Elsevıer Science Bv, 2018)
In this study, the energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the ground and excited states of a spherical quantum dot are calculated by using the Quantum Genetic algorithm (QGA) and Hartree-Eock Roothaan (HFR) method. Based ...
Calculation of oscillator strength and the effects of electric field on energy states, static and dynamic polarizabilities of the confined hydrogen atom
In this study, we investigate the effect of an electric field on energy states of a spherical quantum dot with infinite confining potential using the perturbation method. We also perform the static dipole and dynamic dipole ...
Computation of ionization and various excited state energies ofhelium and helium-like quantum dots
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2011)
In the effective mass approximation, we calculated the wave functions and some energy states of helium and helium-like quantum dots (QDs) with impurity charges Z = 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. In addition, we carried out the ionization ...
Calculation of Zeeman splitting and Zeeman transition energies of spherical quantum dot in uniform magnetic field
(Elsevier Science Bv, 2016)
In this study we report a detailed theoretical investigation of the effect of an external magnetic field on the 1s-, 2p-, 3d- and 4f-energy states of a spherical quantum dot. We treat the contribution of the diamagnetic ...
Calculation of electric field gradient in spherical quantum dots
(Taylor & Francis, 2020)
We have calculated the ground and excited energy states of the quantum dot as a function of the depth of confining potential well and radius R. Based on the calculated energies and wave functions, the electric field gradient ...
Refractive index changes and absorption coefficients in a spherical quantum dot with parabolic potential
In this study, we have calculated the linear, nonlinear and total refractive index changes and absorption coefficients for the transitions 1s-1p, 1p-1d and 1d-1f in a spherical quantum dot with parabolic potential. Quantum ...
Computation of relativistic terms in a spherical quantum dot
(Elsevier Science, 2013)
We studied a hydrogenic impurity located at the center of a spherical quantum dot with an infinite spherical confining potential and calculated energy levels and wavefunctions using Quantum Genetic Algorithm(QGA) and ...
Calculation of linear and nonlinear optical absorption coefficients of a spherical quantum dot with parabolic potential
(Elsevier Science Bv, 2010)
In the effective mass approximation, we calculated the binding energy and wave function for the 1s-, 1p-, 1d- and 1f-states of a spherical quantum dot (QD) with parabolic potential by using a combination of quantum genetic ...
Computation of the oscillator strength and absorption coefficients for the intersubband transitions of the spherical quantum dot
(Elsevier Science, 2009)
The electronic structure and optical properties of one-electron Quantum Dot (QD) with and without an on-center impurity were investigated by assuming a spherically symmetric confining potential of finite depth. The energy ...